Soğanlı, Yeşilhisar

( Soğanlı Valley )

Soğanlı Valley, formerly known as Soandós is located in the Yeşilhisar district, Kayseri Province, Turkey, in the southeastern part of the region of Cappadocia. The valley contains several rock-cut churches and other rock-cut buildings, carved from the soft tuff stone of the Cappadocian landscape.

The village of Aşağı Soğanlı ('Lower Soğanlı') is located at the southeastern end of the valley. The valley splits into northern and southern sections at the village of Yukarı Soğanlı ('Upper Soğanlı'). The valley was inhabited by Byzantine monks from the 9th to the 13th centuries AD. They are responsible for around a hundred churches that have been found in the valley and connected rock-cut houses and cloisters, most of which are now buried, ruined, or used as stables. There are also notable dovecotes carved into the cliffs, with entry holes marked out on the cliff using white paint.

Photographies by:
Adrian Farwell - CC BY 3.0
Volker Höhfeld - CC BY-SA 4.0
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