Santa Perpètua de Gaià

Santa Perpètua de Gaià is a population center that belongs to the municipality of Pontils, in the Conca de Barberà, and to which it gave its name until 1995. It is located at the foot of the hill from where the Castle of Santa Perpètua dominates part of the Gaià river valley, at 578 m altitude. Of the castle, the slender tower, with a triangular interior, should be highlighted. Next to it stands the church of Santa Maria.

Her name originates from the legend of Santa Perpètua de Gaià.

Santa Perpètua de Gaià is a population center that belongs to the municipality of Pontils, in the Conca de Barberà, and to which it gave its name until 1995. It is located at the foot of the hill from where the Castle of Santa Perpètua dominates part of the Gaià river valley, at 578 m altitude. Of the castle, the slender tower, with a triangular interior, should be highlighted. Next to it stands the church of Santa Maria.

Her name originates from the legend of Santa Perpètua de Gaià.

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