
Saint-Cirq-Lapopie (French pronunciation: [sɛ̃ siʁk lapɔpi]; Occitan: Sent Circ de la Pòpia) is a commune in the Lot department in south-western France. It is a member of the Les Plus Beaux Villages de France (The most beautiful villages in France) association.

Its position on a steep cliff 100m above the river, originally selected for defence, has helped make the town one of the most popular tourist destinations in the department, and the entire town is almost a museum. After being 'discovered' by the Post-Impressionist Henri Martin it became popular with other artists and the home of the writer André Breton.

The stronghold of Saint-Cirq-Lapopie was the main seat of one of the four viscounties that made up Quercy, divided among four feudal dynasties, the Lapopie, Gourdon, Cardaillac and Castelnau families.

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