Saab Car Museum

The Saab Car Museum is an automobile museum in Trollhättan, Sweden. It covers the history of the Saab brand of automobiles manufactured by Saab under various owners since 1947.

The museum is housed within one of the old factory buildings at Innovatum, a science and technology centre on the former NOHAB industrial estate in Trollhättan.

The museum's collection of about 120 vehicles was scheduled to be publicly auctioned off on January 20, 2012 by Swedish law firm, Delphi, to cover Saab's debts following the company's bankruptcy proceedings. However, the collection was preserved in its entirety by a bid of $4.15 million made by the city of Trollhättan, Saab AB, and The Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Memorial Fund.

The museum is curated by Peter Bäckström, remains open to the public, and hosts festivals regularly.

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