Plateau Point is a 3,789 ft cliff-elevation point in the Grand Canyon, Coconino County of northern Arizona, United States. It is about 3.0 miles north-northeast of Grand Canyon Village, and about 2.0 miles north of Grandeur and Yavapai Points, and below the South Rim. Plateau Point, (about 1600 ft above the Colorado River), overlooks the outfall intersection of Garden Creek Canyon, and Pipe Creek Canyon, intersecting from the southeast from Mather and Yaki Points. The point is on the Tonto Platform, and is accessed by the short Plateau Point Trail, from the Tonto Trail, which crosses the west of the Plateau Point platform.

Plateau Point sits on the cliff-former (and platform-former) Tapeats Sandstone, which borders the northwest of Garden Creek Canyon (lower canyon), as well as the northeast. The Tapeats Sandstone sits on rocks of the Great Unconformity, the 1,000 my layer of missing rock and time.

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Crishazzard - CC BY-SA 4.0
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