Pirámide de La Danta

La Danta Pyramid is a work of Mayan architecture, whose construction dates back to the year 300 BC. C.[4]u200b within the Mesoamerican Preclassic Period. It is located in the El Mirador archaeological site located in the department of Petén, Guatemala. The word "danta" is another name given to the tapir, which is the largest mammal that inhabits the Petén jungle, and the pyramid was given that name to refer to its large size.[5]u200b Like the rest of El Mirador, this enormous structure lies hidden in the jungle.

It is estimated that the total volume of the construction is around 2,800,000 m³,[5]u200b surpassing the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Giza, Egypt, by 200,000 m³, with 4,450,000 m³ ...Read more

La Danta Pyramid is a work of Mayan architecture, whose construction dates back to the year 300 BC. C.[4]u200b within the Mesoamerican Preclassic Period. It is located in the El Mirador archaeological site located in the department of Petén, Guatemala. The word "danta" is another name given to the tapir, which is the largest mammal that inhabits the Petén jungle, and the pyramid was given that name to refer to its large size.[5]u200b Like the rest of El Mirador, this enormous structure lies hidden in the jungle.

It is estimated that the total volume of the construction is around 2,800,000 m³,[5]u200b surpassing the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Giza, Egypt, by 200,000 m³, with 4,450,000 m³ [ 6]u200b. La Danta, together with two other adjacent pyramids, is built on a pyramidal platform, forming an acropolis of great proportions, and supports 19 large structures and a multitude of small buildings, reaching a total height of 72 meters. However, it is unknown if the structure was built on flat ground or if a natural hill was used, which was a common practice in the construction of pyramids in Mesoamerica. By height, La Danta is among the tallest pyramids built in pre-Columbian America. [7]u200b surpassing the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacán (Mexico) with a height of 66 meters and the Temple of the Two-Headed Serpent in Tikal (Guatemala), which is 70 meters high [8< span>]u200b .[9]u200b

The magnificence of this pre-Columbian temple and other recent discoveries in the Mirador Basin are evidence of the highly sophisticated culture that existed during the Preclassic Maya, and contradict the generally accepted opinion that this period was an incipient culture and technology.[10]u200b In addition, archaeologist Richard D. Hansen, research director at El Mirador, stated that this city, home of La Danta, was the capital of the legendary Kingdom of Kaan (Kingdom of the Serpent)[11]u200b, however, after further investigation, it has been discovered that the ancient city of Calakmul in Campeche (Mexico) it was the true capital of said empire.[12]u200b

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