اللؤلؤة قطر

( The Pearl Island )

The Pearl Island (Arabic: جزيرة اللؤلؤة, romanized: jazirat alluwlua) in Doha, Qatar, is an artificial island with an area of nearly four square kilometers. It is the first land in Qatar to be available for freehold ownership by foreign nationals. As of 2018, there were 27,000 residents.

Once fully completed, The Pearl was expected to create over 32 kilometers of new coastline, for use as a residential estate with an expected 18,831 dwellings and 45,000 residents by 2018.

In 2004, when the project was first revealed, the initial cost of constructing the island stood at $2.5 billion. It is now believed the project will cost $15 billion upon completion.

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km2bp @ Mapillary.com - CC BY-SA 4.0
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