Isola di Ortigia

( Ortygia )

Ortygia ( or-TIJ-ee-ə; Italian: Ortigia [orˈtiːdʒa]; Ancient Greek: Ὀρτυγία, romanized: Ortygía) is a small island which is the historical centre of the city of Syracuse, Sicily. The island, also known as the Città Vecchia (Old City), contains many historical landmarks.

The name originates from the Ancient Greek órtyx (ὄρτυξ), which means "quail".

 A Harbor at Ortygia Lungomare di Ortigia

Ortygia, being an island just off the coast, was easily transformed into a natural fortress with harbors and was big enough that it could hold a significant population in ancient times. Therefore, the history of Ortygia is synonymous with the early history of Syracuse.

Photographies by:
Agostino Artnoir Sella - CC BY-SA 2.0
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