De 9 Straatjes

( Negen Straatjes )

De Negen Straatjes (Dutch pronunciation: [də ˈneːɣə(n) ˈstraːcəs]; English: Nine Little Streets) is a neighbourhood of Amsterdam, Netherlands located in the Grachtengordel, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

 Street signs of De Negen Straatjes

Until the end of the 16th century, the city of Amsterdam encompassed the area inside the Singel and what is now Kloveniersburgwal. After the Alteration and change in management, the city expanded in four stages between 1585 and 1665. Around 1612, during the Twelve Years' Truce, the third expansion of the city began with the reclamation of the Grachtengordel (including the area now known as De Negen Straatjes) and the Jordaan between Brouwersgracht en Leidsegracht. The majority of the buildings in De Negen Straatjes date from the 18th century, with little remaining of the original 17th century buildings. There are more than 140 national (Dutch: rijksmonument) and municipal monuments in De Negen Straatjes.[1]

The idea to promote the Nine Little Streets as a shopping area came from a few entrepreneurs such as Djoeke Wessing. They wanted a common name for the area and give it a kind of allure as the more notable nearby neighborhood of Jordaan. This would promote cooperation and business growth, but also attract more tourists to the hitherto relatively unknown area. The Association of The 9 Streets was founded on November 12, 1996. Nobody thought it was a good name at the time, but the name has stuck, and the area retains de 9 Straatjes' name.[2]

^ Bewonersgroep Grachten 9+ Branchering 9 straatjes toen en nu 23 november 2017 ^ Djoeke Wessing, art deco and: the woman behind the 9 Streets
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