Niy is an ancient city-settlement in Ingushetia. Located in the Dzheirakhsky district. Now abandoned village, administratively part of the rural settlement of Guli. Representatives of the largest Ingush clan (teip) Yovloi (including its patronymics: Sagovs, Gaisanovs, Kurkievs, etc.) originate from the Niy settlement, which, according to well-known Caucasian researchers (E. I. Krupnov, L. P. Semyonov, etc.) were the owners of lands and tower castle buildings in the villages of Yovli, Niy, Musievo and Akhki-Yurt.

On the territory of the settlement there is an architectural complex "Niy", represented by many historical objects: 4 combat towers, 1 semi-combat and 13 dilapidated residential towers, as well as 14 crypt burial grounds. Currently, these objects of Ingush architecture and the entire territory of the settlement are included in the Dzheirakh-Assy State Historical-Architectural and Natural Museum-Reserve and are under state protection.

Photographies by:
Тимур Агиров - CC BY-SA 4.0
Alex Svirkin - CC BY-SA 4.0
Samra Babalija - CC BY 3.0
Тимур Агиров - CC BY-SA 4.0
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