გერგეტის სამების ეკლესია

( Gergeti Trinity Church )

Gergeti Trinity Church (Georgian: გერგეტის სამების ეკლესია - Gergetis Samebis eklesia) is a popular name for Holy Trinity Church near the village of Stepantsminda in Georgia. The church is situated on the right bank of the river Chkheri (the left tributary of the river Terek), at an elevation of 2,170 metres (7,120 ft), under Mount Kazbek.

Photographies by:
Nata Mostova - CC BY-SA 4.0
Nata Mostova - Public domain
Levan Gokadze - CC BY-SA 2.0
Levan Gokadze - CC BY-SA 2.0
Nicolai Bangsgaard - CC BY 2.0
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