नाको, किन्नौर

( Nako, Himachal Pradesh )

Nako is a village in the Himalayas of northern India, located near the Indo-China border in the Trans-Himalayan region of Kinnaur district in Himachal Pradesh. Nako Lake is a prominent feature here where it borders the village. Nako Monastery, dated to 1025, is located in the village as well as several other Buddhist chortens.

One of the earliest descriptions of Nako is by the botanist Thomas Thomson based on his expedition in August 1847. He reported that Nako was smaller than Leo. He and his team were accommodated in apartments in the Buddhist monastery. There was an abundance of water and extensive cultivation, a copse of poplars and willows, but no fruit trees.[1]

^ Thomson, Thomas (1852). "Chapter IV". Western Himalayas and Tibet. London: Reeve and Co.
Photographies by:
Sumita Roy Dutta - CC BY-SA 4.0
Steve Bennett - CC BY-SA 3.0
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