Múlafossur is a waterfall on the island of Vágar, in the Faroe Islands. It has a drop of 30 meters directly into the Atlantic Ocean. This is the final part of the Dalsá river, which flows along the Gásaladur valley. This valley lies between the two highest mountains on the island: Árnafjall (722 m) and Eysturtindur (715 m).

The waterfall is 11 km from the airport in to wander The waterfall can be reached by walking from the village of Gásadalur. There is also a parking lot near the waterfall. From this car park, you can get there in 2 minutes on foot.

Múlafossur is a waterfall on the island of Vágar, in the Faroe Islands. It has a drop of 30 meters directly into the Atlantic Ocean. This is the final part of the Dalsá river, which flows along the Gásaladur valley. This valley lies between the two highest mountains on the island: Árnafjall (722 m) and Eysturtindur (715 m).

The waterfall is 11 km from the airport in to wander The waterfall can be reached by walking from the village of Gásadalur. There is also a parking lot near the waterfall. From this car park, you can get there in 2 minutes on foot.

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briantoronto - CC BY-SA 4.0
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