Setas de Sevilla

( Metropol Parasol )

Setas de Sevilla ("Mushrooms of Seville") or Las Setas ("The Mushrooms"), initially titled Metropol Parasol, is a large, predominantly wood structure located at La Encarnación square in the old quarter of Seville, Spain. It accommodates a traditional market, restaurants, a performance square, archaeological museum — and 'rooftop' terrace with a panoramic view of Seville's old city.

Selected from 65 submissions in a city-sponsored competition, the structure was designed by German architect Jürgen Mayer, was completed in April 2011, and is roughly 150 by 70 metres (490 by 230 ft) with an approximate height of 26 metres (85 ft).

Initially beset with technical problems as well as budget and schedule overruns, the parasols are constructed of 3,500 cubic meters of micro-laminated Finnish pine and are marketed as the world's largest wood structure.

Since their opening, the parasols have become Seville's third-most visited urban landmark.

From the 19th century a market was located in the plaza, housed in a dedicated building. The building was partially demolished in 1948 in accordance with plans for urban renewal. The market itself remained, however, until 1973, when the rest of the dilapidated building was finally demolished. The land remained dormant until 1990, when the city decided to construct underground parking with space for a market on top. However, in the midst of construction, ruins dating to the Roman and Al-Andalus eras were discovered, and construction was frozen after an expenditure of 14 million euros. In 2004, the city decided to attempt to develop the area again, and opened an international competition to solicit bids.

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