Đèo Mã Pí Lèng

( Mã Pí Lèng Pass )

The Mã Pí Lèng Pass is a mountain pass on the Highway 4C in the territory of Pai Lung and Pa Vi commune, Hà Giang province, North Vietnam.

It is approximately 20 kilometres (12 mi) long, on the section of the Highway 4C connecting the towns of Đồng Văn and Mèo Vạc. It is at the altitude of 1,500 m (4,921 ft). The road was first built by Yao, H'mong, Tay and Lolo minority people.

This section of the Highway 4C was constructed in the years of 1960.

Photographies by:
haithanh - CC BY 2.0
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