Luarca (Ḷḷuarca in Asturian and officially) is a parish and the principal town in the municipality of Valdés in Asturias, Spain.

Luarca (town) is a fishing and pleasure port. Luarca (parish) had a population of 4,670 (2021), and an area of 5.84 km2 (2.25 sq mi). The town is 90 km (56 mi) from Oviedo, the capital of Asturias. The Nobel laureate for Medicine in 1959, Severo Ochoa, was born in Luarca. It is well known for its beautiful architecture, landscapes, gastronomy, and tourist attractions. San Timoteo festivities usually attract thousands of people every August.

Museo del Calamar Gigante, said to be the world's only museum dedicated to the giant squid, was based in the town from its opening in 2010 to its destruction by a storm in 2014; it reopened at a new location in the centre of town in 2022.

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