Isla Pancha

( Illa Pancha )

Lilla Pancha is located at the western end of the mouth of the Eo estuary, in Galicia. It is located at the northeastern tip of the municipality of Ribadeo, connected to the ground by a reinforced concrete bridge from 1983.

It has 1.1 hectares and a steep topography in general. Its coast is rocky and has vegetation of coastal plants that give it a very variable color throughout the year. On a small plain at its summit is the old lighthouse of Pancha Island, from 1857. The new lighthouse, in the northern area, is from the last quarter of the century xx .

In 2014, a process began to rehabilitate the lighthouse to be used as a hotel, which caused opposition from the neighbors. The area is declared a conservation area according to the Master Plan of the Natura 2000 Network, areas that a priori are not authorized for tourist use.

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