La Rambla

( La Rambla, Barcelona )

La Rambla (Catalan pronunciation: [lə ˈramblə]) is considered the most well known street in central Barcelona. A tree-lined pedestrian street, it stretches for 1.2 kilometres (34 mile) connecting the Plaça de Catalunya in its center with the Christopher Columbus Monument at Port Vell. La Rambla forms the boundary between the neighbourhoods of the Barri Gòtic to the east and the El Raval to the west.

La Rambla can be crowded, especially during the height of the tourist season. It hosts a combination of eateries, shops, markets, and cultural institutions.

The Spanish poet Federico García Lorca once said that La Rambla was "the only street in the world which I wish would n...Read more

La Rambla (Catalan pronunciation: [lə ˈramblə]) is considered the most well known street in central Barcelona. A tree-lined pedestrian street, it stretches for 1.2 kilometres (34 mile) connecting the Plaça de Catalunya in its center with the Christopher Columbus Monument at Port Vell. La Rambla forms the boundary between the neighbourhoods of the Barri Gòtic to the east and the El Raval to the west.

La Rambla can be crowded, especially during the height of the tourist season. It hosts a combination of eateries, shops, markets, and cultural institutions.

The Spanish poet Federico García Lorca once said that La Rambla was "the only street in the world which I wish would never end."

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