Islamkhodja Madrasah

Islamkhodja Madrasah is an architectural monument in Khiva, Uzbekistan. It is located in the center of the Itchan Kala. It was built by Islam Khodja, the prime minister and father-in-law of Khiva-Isfandiyar Khan (1908–1910).

Islamkhodja Madrasah is an architectural monument in Khiva, Uzbekistan. It is located in the center of the Itchan Kala. It was built by Islam Khodja, the prime minister and father-in-law of Khiva-Isfandiyar Khan (1908–1910).

The construction of the madrasah began in 1908. Construction work was completed by 1910.[1] Islamkhodja madrasah consisted of 42 rooms. 50 students studied at the Institute of Science.[2] He was one of the famous people of the Islamic Khoja era, who sacrificed his life for the improvement of the city of Khiva. Thanks to his efforts, a hospital, a post office, a telegraph, a double gate, a reception hall of Asfandiyar Khan in the Nurullabai palace, and new iron bridges were built in some areas of Khorezm in Khiva.

^ "Islom Xo'ja meʼmoriy ansambli". Retrieved 2023-11-14. ^ Bobojonov D, Abdurasulov M. Firdavsmonand shahar. Xorazm Ma'mun akademiyasi nashriyoti 2008. p. 49.
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