
( Heiwadai Park )

Heiwadai Park (平和台公園) or Miyazaki Peace Park is a municipal park in Miyazaki, Miyazaki on Japan's Kyushu Island. A popular honeymoon destination for Japanese couples, the park's Peace Tower has generated controversy because of its place in Japanese history.

The park was constructed in 1939 to commemorate the 2600th anniversary of Japan's Imperial establishment.[1] The Hakko Ichiu tower, later renamed the Peace Tower, was built in 1940.[2] When princess Takako Shimazu honeymooned there in 1960, the park became a favorite destination for Japanese newlyweds.[2] Hibiya Park was designated Heiwadai's sister park in 1965, in a ceremony in which Heiwadai received doves from Hibiya.[1]

^ a b "Heiwadai Park". Miyazaki City Tourism Association. Retrieved March 21, 2018. ^ a b Motomura, Hiroshi (February 10, 2015). "Miyazaki's controversial Peace Tower continues to cause unease". Japan Times. Retrieved March 21, 2018.
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