Taman Budaya Garuda Wisnu Kencana

( Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park )

Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park (Indonesian: Taman Budaya Garuda Wisnu Kencana), or GWK, is a tourist destination and attraction located at Ungasan, Badung on the island of Bali, Indonesia, about 10–15 minutes drive from Ngurah Rai International Airport. It is devoted to the Hindu god Vishnu, and his mount, Garuda, the mythical bird who became his companion.

Owned and managed by Alam Sutera Realty, Tbk, the construction of the 120.9 m (397 ft) statue of Vishnu riding his mount Garuda was completed in August 2018. The park has a land area of about 60 hectares and is 263 m (863 ft) above sea level.

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