برواز دبي

( Dubai Frame )

The Dubai Frame (Arabic: برواز دبي) is an observatory, museum, and monument in Zabeel Park, Dubai. It holds the record for the largest frame in the world. The building has a height of 150.24 meters and a width of 95.53 meters. The building mainly serves as an observatory, providing views of old Dubai in the north and newer parts in the south.

The project idea was initially conceived by Fernando Donis through an architecture competition by ThyssenKrupp and Dubai Municipality, and selected as the winner of a design competition by an international jury. Donis has alleged that he had his intellectual property stolen and was denied credit for the design. The final project was completed by Hyder Consulting, part of Arcadis NV. It opened in January 2018.

Photographies by:
Sachimo - CC BY-SA 4.0
Nasimebadgir - CC BY-SA 4.0
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