Dolmen de Dombate

The dolmen of Dombate is a Neolithic monument located in the parish of Borneiro, in the Galician municipality of Cabana de Bergantiños. This dolmen is classified as a collective grave of a corridor and is considered as the "cathedral of megalithism" in Galicia.

Near this site, other monuments known as parietal or rock art are found .

This mound was erected in the first half of the IV millennium BC, and the chamber at the end of this same period. It was used at different times, between 3800 BC and 2700 BC, when it was abandoned.

It should be noted that in the s. XIX, the Galician historian Manuel Murguía already referred to the dolmen and that in 1885 the poet Eduardo Pondal immortalized it in the poem "Queixumes dos Piñeiros" ('Plains of the pines'):

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