Djanet (Arabic: جانت; Berber: ⵊⴰⵏⴻⵜ, Janet) is an oasis city, and capital of Djanet District as well as of Djanet Province, southeast Algeria. It is located 412 km (256 mi) south of Illizi. According to the 2008 census it has a population of 14,655, up from 9,699 in 1998, and an annual population growth rate of 4.3%. It is inhabited by the Kel Ajjer Tuareg people.

The region of Djanet has been inhabited since Neolithic times. There were periods of ten thousand years at a time that the area was not desert. The flora and fauna were luxuriant as is seen in the numerous rock paintings of Tassili n'Ajjer around Djanet. Populations of hunter-gatherers lived there.

Djanet was founded in the Middle Ages by the Tuareg. The Ottoman Empire, which had a nominal authority over the Fezzan region, reinforced their presence in the area at the beginning of the 20th century in reaction to the colonization of Africa by the Europeans.

Photographies by:
habib kaki - CC BY 3.0
Chettouh Nabil - CC BY-SA 4.0
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