Cova de Fullà-Canaletes

The set of underground cavities, or underground system, grouped under the heading Cova de Fullà - Canaletes are located in the communal terms of Cornellà de Conflent and Fullà, both belonging to the region of Conflent, in Northern Catalonia.

They are located on the mountain of Badabany, which is the one that delimits the town of Vilafranca de Conflent to the south, which is why they are often located by some authors in the communal area of u200bu200bthis town. One of them, the Bastera cave, which contains auxiliary defensive elements of the town wall, is on the north face of the mountain, the steepest, almost straight-cut above Vilafranca de Conflent. The others are on the eastern side of the mountain, above the Cadí valley (les Canaletes and Gran Canaletes caves); finally, the Fullà cave is on the west side of the mountain.

>Gorner's cave, with a development of slightly less than 20 km and the Fullà-Canaletes cave, an important underground system that ...Read more

The set of underground cavities, or underground system, grouped under the heading Cova de Fullà - Canaletes are located in the communal terms of Cornellà de Conflent and Fullà, both belonging to the region of Conflent, in Northern Catalonia.

They are located on the mountain of Badabany, which is the one that delimits the town of Vilafranca de Conflent to the south, which is why they are often located by some authors in the communal area of u200bu200bthis town. One of them, the Bastera cave, which contains auxiliary defensive elements of the town wall, is on the north face of the mountain, the steepest, almost straight-cut above Vilafranca de Conflent. The others are on the eastern side of the mountain, above the Cadí valley (les Canaletes and Gran Canaletes caves); finally, the Fullà cave is on the west side of the mountain.

>Gorner's cave, with a development of slightly less than 20 km and the Fullà-Canaletes cave, an important underground system that also widely exceeds 20 km of development.

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citykane from España - CC BY 2.0
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