Convento de Servitas

The Servitas convent is a convent built in the 18th century, of which today only the ruins of its church, which was dedicated to Saint Michael, in a rococo style.[1]u200b It is located in the town of Las Cuevas de Cañart, Teruel.[2]u200b It is a masonry building, possibly with adobe, with a rectangular ground plan, three naves, with their main altars and four total floors.[3] u200b

The façade stands out, which is located at the bottom of the naves, resulting in it being almost intact with respect to the rest of the construction. It is a work of masonry, framed by a large arch, under which the cover is located. The entablature is located on the semicircular arch.Read more

The Servitas convent is a convent built in the 18th century, of which today only the ruins of its church, which was dedicated to Saint Michael, in a rococo style.[1]u200b It is located in the town of Las Cuevas de Cañart, Teruel.[2]u200b It is a masonry building, possibly with adobe, with a rectangular ground plan, three naves, with their main altars and four total floors.[3] u200b

The façade stands out, which is located at the bottom of the naves, resulting in it being almost intact with respect to the rest of the construction. It is a work of masonry, framed by a large arch, under which the cover is located. The entablature is located on the semicircular arch.[1]u200b

Only ten percent of the contiguous monastic remains, of what could have been a large area. It is known that next to the church there was a large cloister that gave access to the most important rooms of the convent: school, apothecary, porter's office, carpentry, refectory and cellar.[1]u200b

Philosophy and Theology classes were taught at the school.[4]< /span>u200b

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