Col·lecció de Carrosses Fúnebres

The Collection of Hearses shows what the funeral ritual was like in Barcelona from the end of the xviii century until the fiftieth century xx. Through a set of 13 hearses, all of them original, 6 escort cars and 3 motor hearses, the collection deals with the emergence of hearses, which were closely linked to the evolution of history of Barcelona, u200bu200btheir function, the different typologies that existed, all the ornaments that adorned them and the great role they had in the funeral ritual of the time. Different graphic examples of great burials of illustrious characters, such as those of Santiago Rusiñol, Enric Prat de la Riba and Enrique Tierno Galván, among others, accompany the exhibition of funeral floats.

Inside in the same space, the Funerary Library is located there, with a searchable fund specialized in death and which deals with funeral ritua...Read more

The Collection of Hearses shows what the funeral ritual was like in Barcelona from the end of the xviii century until the fiftieth century xx. Through a set of 13 hearses, all of them original, 6 escort cars and 3 motor hearses, the collection deals with the emergence of hearses, which were closely linked to the evolution of history of Barcelona, u200bu200btheir function, the different typologies that existed, all the ornaments that adorned them and the great role they had in the funeral ritual of the time. Different graphic examples of great burials of illustrious characters, such as those of Santiago Rusiñol, Enric Prat de la Riba and Enrique Tierno Galván, among others, accompany the exhibition of funeral floats.

Inside in the same space, the Funerary Library is located there, with a searchable fund specialized in death and which deals with funeral rituals from prehistory to the present day.

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Cementiris de Barcelona, S.A. - Attribution
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