Carrières de Lumières

( Carrières de Lumiéres )

Carrières de Lumières (which in Spanish translates as "Quarries of Lights") is a digital arts center that organizes immersive multimedia exhibitions inside a calcareous formation that is more than 20 million years old and covers 6 thousand square meters located on the outskirts of the French city of Baux-de-Provence, in the department of Bouches-du-Rhône, administrative region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.

After ceasing to function as a quarry in 1935, its first use for the arts was as a location for Jean Cocteau's 1959 film, Le Testament d'Orphée. In the 1970s, under the title of La Cathédrale d'Images (The Cathedral of Images), the place was the venue for audiovisual shows. In 2008 the mayor of Baux-de-Provence terminated the contract with the company that had created the Cathedral of Images project and handed over the administration to a company in charge of cultural sites in France, changing the name to Carrières de Lumières, and conditioning the space with 70 vide...Read more

Carrières de Lumières (which in Spanish translates as "Quarries of Lights") is a digital arts center that organizes immersive multimedia exhibitions inside a calcareous formation that is more than 20 million years old and covers 6 thousand square meters located on the outskirts of the French city of Baux-de-Provence, in the department of Bouches-du-Rhône, administrative region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.

After ceasing to function as a quarry in 1935, its first use for the arts was as a location for Jean Cocteau's 1959 film, Le Testament d'Orphée. In the 1970s, under the title of La Cathédrale d'Images (The Cathedral of Images), the place was the venue for audiovisual shows. In 2008 the mayor of Baux-de-Provence terminated the contract with the company that had created the Cathedral of Images project and handed over the administration to a company in charge of cultural sites in France, changing the name to Carrières de Lumières, and conditioning the space with 70 video projectors to offer temporary exhibitions that combine video and music around emblematic artists such as Picasso, Chagall or Van Gogh. [1]u200b[2]u200b[3]u200b[4]u200b

The change from Cathédrale d'Images to Carrières de Lumières was the subject of litigation before administrative courts between the first body and the city of Baux de Provence; in 2019 the city still owed the Cathédrale d'Images company more than 4 million euros in compensation.[5]u200b[6]u200b

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