Borgund Stave Church (Norwegian: Borgund stavkyrkje) is a former parish church initially of the Catholic Church and later the Church of Norway in Lærdal Municipality in Vestland county, Norway. It was built around the year 1200 as the village church of Borgund, and belonged to Lærdal parish (part of the Sogn prosti (deanery) in the Diocese of Bjørgvin) until 1868, when its religious functions were transferred to a "new" Borgund Church, which was built nearby. The old church was restored, conserved and turned into a museum. It is funded and run by the Society for the Preservation of Ancient Norwegian Monuments, and is classified as a triple-nave stave church of the Sogn-type. Its grounds contain Norway's sole surviving stave-built free-standing bell tower.

Photographies by:
Micha L. Rieser - Attribution
Andreas Pujol - CC BY-SA 4.0
Ssu - CC BY-SA 4.0
zoetnet - CC BY 2.0
Stevan Nicholas - CC BY 2.0
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