Olden, Norway

Olden is a village and urban area in the municipality of Stryn in Vestland county, Norway. Olden is located at the mouth of the Oldeelva river at the northern end of the Oldedalen valley on the southern shore of the Nordfjorden. It is located about 6 kilometres (3.7 mi) southwest of the village of Loen, about a 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) drive southeast of the municipal center of Stryn, and about 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) east of the village of Innvik.

The 0.58-square-kilometre (140-acre) village has a population (2023) of 666 and a population density of 826 inhabitants per square kilometre (2,140/sq mi).

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Sindre - CC BY 2.0
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