Bellinzona ( BEL-in-ZOH-nə, Italian: [bellinˈtsoːna]; Ticinese Lombard: Belinzóna [belinˈtsɔna]; French: Bellinzone [bɛlɛ̃zon]; German: Bellenz [ˈbɛlɛnts]; Romansh: Blizuna [bliˈtsuːnə] ) is a municipality, a historic Swiss town, and the capital of the canton of Ticino in Switzerland. The town is famous for its three castles (Castelgrande, Montebello, Sasso Corbaro) that have been UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 2000.

The town lies east of the river Ticino, at the foot of the Alps. It stretches along the river valley, surrounded by the southern ranges of the Lepontine Alp...Read more

Bellinzona ( BEL-in-ZOH-nə, Italian: [bellinˈtsoːna]; Ticinese Lombard: Belinzóna [belinˈtsɔna]; French: Bellinzone [bɛlɛ̃zon]; German: Bellenz [ˈbɛlɛnts]; Romansh: Blizuna [bliˈtsuːnə] ) is a municipality, a historic Swiss town, and the capital of the canton of Ticino in Switzerland. The town is famous for its three castles (Castelgrande, Montebello, Sasso Corbaro) that have been UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 2000.

The town lies east of the river Ticino, at the foot of the Alps. It stretches along the river valley, surrounded by the southern ranges of the Lepontine Alps to the east and west, and by the Lugano Prealps to the south.

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