The Banys de la Reina are an archaeological site located next to the salt pans of Calpe (Marina Alta, Valencian Country). It consisted of a Roman palace (not a simple circular villa or domus) with a corridor, courtyard and eight rooms. Its profusion of marbles and mosaics reveals that it belonged to a person with high purchasing power. Among other elements, near the coast, we find artificial swimming pools dug into the rock intended for fish farming and subsequent fish salting, thermal baths, a pool and more than four cisterns. Its 0.39 hectares make up a flora micro-reserve. The dwelling and the thermal building were erected at the end of the ii or the beginning of the iii century and were abandoned at the beginning of the century v.

The structures were discovered in 1610 by Gaspar Escolano and were excavated on May 18 and 19, 1792 by Antoni Joseph C...Read more

The Banys de la Reina are an archaeological site located next to the salt pans of Calpe (Marina Alta, Valencian Country). It consisted of a Roman palace (not a simple circular villa or domus) with a corridor, courtyard and eight rooms. Its profusion of marbles and mosaics reveals that it belonged to a person with high purchasing power. Among other elements, near the coast, we find artificial swimming pools dug into the rock intended for fish farming and subsequent fish salting, thermal baths, a pool and more than four cisterns. Its 0.39 hectares make up a flora micro-reserve. The dwelling and the thermal building were erected at the end of the ii or the beginning of the iii century and were abandoned at the beginning of the century v.

The structures were discovered in 1610 by Gaspar Escolano and were excavated on May 18 and 19, 1792 by Antoni Joseph Cavanilles The event was published in the Gazeta de Madrid. After the excavations in 1965 by Manuel Pellicer Català, and especially after the excavations (some of them salvage) carried out between 1993 and 1999, the plan of the complex has been specified,[5] like a vicus of three houses to make wine, fishing, production of garum (fish sauce), salting and stone extraction. Graves have been found there.

The signing of an agreement between the Provincial Council of Alicante and Calpe is expected to consolidate the archaeological remains, with the collaboration of the MARQ.

Photographies by:
Jesús Alenda - CC BY 2.0
ANE - CC BY-SA 4.0
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