Amager Bakke (lit.'Amager Hill'), also known as Amager Slope or Copenhill, is a combined heat and power waste-to-energy plant (new resource handling centre) and recreational facility in Amager, Copenhagen Denmark, located prominently within view of the city's downtown.

The facility opened in 2017, and partially replaced the nearby old incineration plant in Amager, which is in the process of being converted from coal to biomass (expected to complete in 2020). The two plants play a major role in Copenhagen's ambitions of meeting zero carbon requirements by 2025.

The recreational components of the facility (the dry ski run, hiking trail and climbing wall) opened in December 2018, with an attendance estimated at 42-57 thousand visitors annually.

Copenhill was named the World Building of the Year 2021 at the fourteenth annual World Arch...Read more

Amager Bakke (lit.'Amager Hill'), also known as Amager Slope or Copenhill, is a combined heat and power waste-to-energy plant (new resource handling centre) and recreational facility in Amager, Copenhagen Denmark, located prominently within view of the city's downtown.

The facility opened in 2017, and partially replaced the nearby old incineration plant in Amager, which is in the process of being converted from coal to biomass (expected to complete in 2020). The two plants play a major role in Copenhagen's ambitions of meeting zero carbon requirements by 2025.

The recreational components of the facility (the dry ski run, hiking trail and climbing wall) opened in December 2018, with an attendance estimated at 42-57 thousand visitors annually.

Copenhill was named the World Building of the Year 2021 at the fourteenth annual World Architecture Festival.

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Orf3us - CC BY-SA 4.0
Orf3us - CC BY-SA 4.0
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