Ahsan Manzil Home asia Bangladesh Ahsan Manzil Description Ahsan Manzil is a palace located in the Kumartoli area of Dhaka, Bangladesh. It was formerly the residence and seat of the Nawab of Dhaka and has been designated an Old Dhaka Heritage Site. It now serves as a museum. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Submit Reset More information Photographies by: Zones Bangladesh Statistics: Position 5522 Statistics: Rank 79992 Add new comment Comment About text formats CAPTCHA Security Code 347259168Click/tap this sequence: 5754 Esta pregunta es para comprobar si usted es un visitante humano y prevenir envíos de spam automatizado. Save Google street view Google street view Where can you sleep near Ahsan Manzil ? Booking.com What can you do near Ahsan Manzil ? Star Mosque Lalbagh Fort Lalbagh Fort Dhakeshwari Temple Taj Mahal Bangladesh Idrakpur Fort Shaheed Minar, Dhaka 201 Dome Mosque Sixty Dome Mosque Mosque City of Bagerhat Puthia Temple Complex Wari Chora Homestay उनाकोटी Unakoti Somapura Mahavihara Sri Maya Chandrodaya Mandir, Mayapur Kusumba Mosque Chandanpura Mosque Anderkilla Shahi Jame Mosque Mummified Body of the Top Mohanto View more on the map 6.586.545 visits in total, 9.312 Points of interest, 405 Destinations, 205 visits today.
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