Serranía de Hornocal

The Serranía de Hornocal are a range of mountains located 25 kilometres (16 mi) from the city of Humahuaca in the Argentine province of Jujuy. Exposed in the range is the limestone formation called Yacoraite that extends from Salta, Argentina, through the Argentine Quebrada de Humahuaca and then through the Bolivian Altiplano to Peru.

The mountains reach an altitude of 4,761 metres (15,620 ft) above sea level.

The region Quebrada de Humahuaca was declared a World Heritage site in 2003, both for colorful mountain landscapes and the historic Inca caravan road running through the region.

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522.811 visites en total, 9.230 Llocs d'interès, 405 Destinacions, 9 visites avui.