Gwaneumsa (Seoul) Wikipedia body audio 首页 亚洲 大韩民国 朝鮮 (地區) Gwaneumsa (Seoul) Description Gwaneumsa (관음사) is a Buddhist temple of the Jogye Order in Seoul, South Korea. Believed to have been established in 895, it is located in 519-3 Namhyeon-dong in the Gwanak District of the city. 0 0 0 0 0 0 提交 重置 More information 照片由: Zones 朝鮮 (地區) 大韩民国 Statistics: Position 3788 Statistics: Rank 29609 添加新评论 评论 关于文本格式 验证码 安全 代码 521847693单击/点按此序列:8896 Esta pregunta es para comprobar si usted es un visitante humano y prevenir envíos de spam automatizado. 保存 Google street view Google street view 附近哪里可以睡 Gwaneumsa (Seoul) ? 附近可以做什么 Gwaneumsa (Seoul) ? 북촌 한옥마을 北村韓屋村 경복궁 景福宮 (韓國) 인왕산 仁王山 Korea Rail Pass 숭례문 崇禮門 Banpo Bridge 선정릉 宣靖陵 Starfield COEX Mall 아침고요수목원 Garden of Morning Calm 수원 화성 水原华城 쁘띠프랑스 Petite France (theme park) 개성역사유적지구 開城歷史建築與遺蹟 개성시 開城市 개성 성균관 Songgyungwan 보령머드축제 Boryeong Mud Festival Guinsa 救仁寺 표훈사 表訓寺 금강산 金剛山 부석사 浮石寺 在地图上查看更多 1.437.809 总访问量, 9.263 兴趣点, 405 备份路径, 36.681 今天访问.