Velika planina

( Big Pasture Plateau )

The Big Pasture Plateau (Slovene: Velika planina pronunciation ) is a karstified mountain plateau in the Kamnik–Savinja Alps northeast of Kamnik, Slovenia. It measures 5.8 square kilometres (2.2 square miles) and has an average elevation of 1,500 metres (4,900 feet) above sea level. Its highest point is Mount Gradišče, at 1,666 m (5,466 ft). There are numerous herders' dwellings that comprise several settlement areas: Velika Planina 'Big Pasture', Mala Planina 'Little Pasture', Gojška Planina 'Gozd Pasture' (named for the village of Gozd), Tiha Dolina 'Quiet Valley', and others. The Big Pasture Plateau is a tourist destination both in winter as a ski resort and in summer as a place for relaxation.

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