Playa de Gulpiyuri

Playa de Gulpiyuri is a flooded sinkhole with an inland beach located near Llanes, in Asturias Northern Spain, around 100 m from the Cantabrian Sea.

Roughly 40 meters in length, it is fully tidal due to a series of tunnels carved by the salt water of the Cantabrian Sea which allows water from the Bay of Biscay to create small waves..

The word ‘Gulpiyuri’ means ‘water circle’. Unlike from many other hidden beaches around the world, Playa de Gulpiyuri is actually fully tidal and even has waves bathing the small strip of sand. The crystal clear water is a little cold, because of remaining underground for a while, before getting into Gulpiyuri Beach.

It is a popular tourist destination, natural monument, and part of Spain's Regional Network of Protected Natural Areas.

Fotografie di:
Ramon Diaz - Public domain
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