Zuma Rock is a large natural monolith, or inselberg, an igneous intrusion composed of gabbro and granodiorite, in Niger State, Nigeria. It is located in the west of Nigeria's capital, Abuja, along the main road from Abuja to Kaduna off Madala, and is sometimes referred to as the "Gateway to Abuja from Suleja". Zuma Rock rises approx. 300 metres (980 ft) above its surroundings. It was once thought to be in the Federal Capital Territory but is actually located at the upper end of Madalla, a rural settlement in Suleja Local Government Area of Niger State.

Zuma Rock is depicted on the 100 naira note. It was used for a defensive retreat by the Gbagyi people against invading neighbouring tribes during intertribal wars.

Zuma Rock is very tall by the standards of Nigerian geography. It is taller than Aso rock and Olumo rock combined.

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Jeff Attaway - CC BY 2.0
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