Xplor Park (Spanish: el parque Xplor) is a privately owned and operated theme park, located in the Riviera Maya. The park's signature offering is its ziplines and it is the most-visited zipline attraction in the world. It brings visitors right into natural caves, rivers and cenotes and built the park's attractions into the landscape of the Yucatán Peninsula.

Xplor is a part of Xcaret Experiencias Group and was the second park to open after the original Xcaret Park. The group also owns Xcaret Park, Xel-Ha Park, and Xenses Park; as well as the Xichen, Xenotes, Xavage and Xoximilco tours and activities. It is situated approximately 75 kilometres (47 mi) south of Cancún, and 6.5 kilometres (4 mi) south of the nearest large settlement Playa del Carmen along Highway 307.

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Alexander J - CC BY-SA 3.0
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