Lăng Khải Định

( Tomb of Khải Định )

The Tomb of Khải Định (Vietnamese: Lăng Khải Định, chữ Hán: 陵啓定), officially Ứng Mausoleum (Ứng lăng, chữ Hán: 應陵) is a tomb built for Khải Định, the twelfth Emperor of the Nguyễn dynasty of Vietnam. It features a blend of Vietnamese architecture with Western styles. The tomb was completed in 1931 after 11 years of construction. It is located on Châu Chữ mountain near the former capital city of Huế. The tomb became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1993 as part of the Complex of Hué Monuments.

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dronepicr - CC BY 2.0
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