
Senjahopen or Senjehopen is a village in Senja Municipality in Troms county, Norway. Senjahopen is located along the Mefjorden on the northwest part of the large island of Senja, where it is one of the most important fishing villages on the island. Another nearby fishing village is Mefjordvær, which located about 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) to the northwest.

Although Senjahopen is about 10 km (6.2 mi) north of the municipal center of Skaland, the trip took well over an hour to drive, until 2004 when the Geitskartunnelen opened. The new road under the mountains cut about 95 km (59 mi) off of the trip between the two villages.

The 0.35-square-kilometre (86-acre) village has a population (2017) of 305 which gives the village a population density of 871 inhabitants per square kilometre (2,260/sq mi).

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