Ansamblul sculptural Constantin Brâncuși de la Târgu-Jiu

( Sculptural Ensemble of Constantin Brâncuși at Târgu Jiu )

The Sculptural Ensemble of Constantin Brâncuși at Târgu Jiu (Romanian: Ansamblul sculptural Constantin Brâncuși de la Târgu-Jiu) is an homage to the Romanian heroes of the First World War. The ensemble comprises three sculptures: The Table of Silence (Masa tăcerii), The Gate of the Kiss (Poarta sărutului), and the Infinity Column (Coloana Infinitului) on an axis 1.3 km (34 mile) long, oriented west to east. The ensemble is considered to be one of the great works of 20th-century outdoor sculpture.

The monument was commissioned by the National League of Gorj Women to honor those soldiers who had defended Târgu Jiu in 1916 from the forces of the Central Powers. Constantin Brâncuși (1876–1957) was at the time living in Paris, but welcomed the opportunity to create a large commemorative sculpture in his homeland. He accepted the commission in 1935, but refused to receive payment for it.

Photographies by:
Andrei Stroe - CC BY-SA 3.0 ro
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