Torre Scola

( Scola Tower )

The Scola Tower - or tower of St. John the Baptist - is a former military building located just beyond the northeastern tip (called tip Scola) of Palmaria (island) in Porto Venere, in the Gulf of Poets in the province of La Spezia, Italy. It is part of, along with the Fort Cavour and Umberto I and the Batteria Semaforo, the defensive positions of Palmaria.

The Scola Tower - or tower of St. John the Baptist - is a former military building located just beyond the northeastern tip (called tip Scola) of Palmaria (island) in Porto Venere, in the Gulf of Poets in the province of La Spezia, Italy. It is part of, along with the Fort Cavour and Umberto I and the Batteria Semaforo, the defensive positions of Palmaria.

Photographies by:
Bev Sykes from Davis, CA, USA - CC BY 2.0
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