عمود السواري

( Pompey's Pillar (column) )

Pompey's Pillar (Arabic: عمود السواري, romanized: 'Amud El-Sawari) is the name given to a Roman triumphal column in Alexandria, Egypt. Set up in honour of the Roman emperor Diocletian between 298–302 AD, the giant Corinthian column originally supported a colossal porphyry statue of the emperor in armour. It stands at the eastern side of the temenos of the Serapeum of Alexandria, beside the ruins of the temple of Serapis itself.

It is the only ancient monument still standing in Alexandria in its original location today.

Photographies by:
Abdelrhman 1990 - CC BY-SA 3.0
Roland Unger - CC BY-SA 3.0
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