Planten un Blomen

Planten un Blomen (German pronunciation: [ˈplantn̩ ʊn ˈbloːmn̩]) is an urban park with a size of 47 hectares (116.1 acres) in the inner-city of Hamburg, Germany. The name Planten un Blomen is Low German for "Pflanzen und Blumen" in German or "Plants and Flowers" in English.

Planten un Blomen (German pronunciation: [ˈplantn̩ ʊn ˈbloːmn̩]) is an urban park with a size of 47 hectares (116.1 acres) in the inner-city of Hamburg, Germany. The name Planten un Blomen is Low German for "Pflanzen und Blumen" in German or "Plants and Flowers" in English.

The first plant was a Platanus, planted by Johann Georg Christian Lehmann in November 1821. It can be seen next to the Hamburg Dammtor station entrance of the park. In 1953 and 1973 the Internationale Gartenbauausstellung (International Horticulture Show, IGA) were held at the park.

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Hinnerk Haardt - CC BY-SA 2.0
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