The Penang Bridge Penang Bridge is a 13.5-kilometre (8.4-mile) dual carriageway toll bridge and controlled-access highway in the state of Penang, Malaysia. The bridge connects Perai on the mainland side of the state with Gelugor on the island, crossing the Penang Strait. The bridge was the first and, until 2014, the only road connection between the peninsula and the island. The bridge is the second-longest bridge over water in Malaysia, with a length over water of 8.4 kilometres (5.2 miles).

The bridge was inaugurated on 14 September 1985. The current concession holder and maintainer of the bridge is PLUS Expressways. Penang Bridge Sdn Bhd was the concession holder before it was merged with the current concessionaire.

Photographies by:
Marufish from Alor Setar, Malaysia - CC BY-SA 2.0
Nicolas Lannuzel - CC BY-SA 2.0
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