Paul is a concelho (municipality) of Cape Verde. Situated in the northeastern part of the island of Santo Antão, it covers 7% of the island area (54.3 km2), and is home to 16% of its population (6,997 at the 2010 census). Its seat is the town Pombas.

In 1867 the municipalities of Paul (covering the area of current Paul and Porto Novo) and Ribeira Grande were created from the previous municipality that covered the whole island of Santo Antão. These were merged in 1895 into one municipality, and recreated in 1917. In 1962 the municipality of Paul received its current borders, when the new municipality of Porto Novo was created.[1]

^ Inventário dos recursos turísticos do município do Paúl, Direcção Geral do Turismo, p. 16
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