Παναγία η Δροσιανή

( Panagia Drosiani )

Panagia Drosiani (New Greek Παναγία Δροσιανή 'Fresh All Saints'), also Naos Panagias Drosianis (Ναός Παναγίας Δροσιανής 'Church of the Fresh All Saints'), is a Byzantine-era orthodox church on the Greek Cyclade island of Naxos. It is located in the center of the island on the road from Moni (Μονή) to Chalkio (Χαλκείο), about 230 meters west below Moni. The name of the place is derived from the former monastery (Μονή means monastery) on the Panagia Drosiani. The church, surrounded by olive groves, has been a listed monument since 1965.

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