Nufenen Pass (Italian: Passo della Novena, German: Nufenenpass) (el. 2478 m.) is the second highest mountain pass with a paved road within Switzerland. It lies between the summits of Pizzo Gallina (north) and the Nufenenstock (south).

The pass road from Ulrichen in canton of Valais leads to the Bedretto valley in the canton of Ticino, linking Brig to Airolo. It is not the lowest pass between the two valleys, as it is located one kilometre north of an unnamed slightly lower pass at 2,440 metres (vs 2478 m.), which is traversed by a trail.

The road is of relatively recent construction, having been opened to motor vehicle traffic only since September 1969.

The source of the river Ticino lies east of the top of the pass. Towards the north are views of the Bernese Alps, including the Finsteraarhorn while there is a view over the Gries Glacier to the south.

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